Andy Marshall
Massage Therapist
Specialising in
Sports & Therapeutic Massage

Unwind, relax and relieve the stress of the day with a soothing hot oil massage now available Mondays and Fridays

Andy Marshall
Andy is a qualified Sports & Therapeutic Massage Therapist and treats a wide variety of clients. Andy has a core clientele including runners, cyclists, triathletes and ultra athletes. He also treats office workers with work related injuries and those who need therapeutic massage for relaxation and tension release within the muscles

Sports Massage can help maintain the body in generally better condition, prevent injuries and loss of mobility, cure and restore mobility to injured muscle tissue, boost performance and extend the overall life of your sporting career or movement in general day to day life.
We offer the following treatments:
Sports Massage
This a popular form of treatment for soft tissue injuries. Getting a regular sports massage also forms part of many athletes injury prevention strategy
The prime purpose of sports massage therapy is to help alleviate the stress and tension which builds up in the body’s soft tissues during physical activity. Where minor injuries and lesions occur, due to overexertion and/or overuse, massage can break them down quickly and effectively. Above all, it can help prevent those niggling injuries that so often get in the way of performance and achievement, whether one is an athlete, ardent keep-fitter or a once a week jogger.
This treatment is not just for the sports person: anyone can benefit from sports massage, including people in physically demanding jobs and those not quite so obvious (occupational, emotional and postural stress may produce many similar characteristics to sports injuries).
Deep Tissue/Therapeutic Massage
This is a deep treatment where the massage strokes are slow and penetrative to focus on specifc areas of tension. This is ideal for chronic conditions.
Andy is also trained in
Soft Tissue Release
Muscle Energy Technique
Neuromuscular Technique
All treatments will be tailored to meet your specific
needs as assessed before your treatment commences.
Contact Us
Andy Marshall Sports Massage Therapist
5 Whiteway Studio
Whiteway Court
The Whiteway
Tel: 07512 585348
Email: andymarshallmassage@gmail.com
Clinic Opening Hours:
Mon- Thurs : 9am - 7pm
Friday : 9am-Midday
Saturday & Sunday : Closed
Contact Form
Cirencester (Burford Road Roundabout) to Active Physiotherapy
From Burford Road Roundabout (BP/Somerfield Garage, Travelodge/Little Chef) follow signs to Cirencester for 0.7 mile. At roundabout, take third exit on to A435/Grove Lane for 0.5 mile. At traffic lights, turn right at The Whiteway (by Cirencester Rugby Club) for 0.4 mile. At red post box, turn right into Whiteway Farm and follow the road around to the right (past 15mph sign) and back around to left which leads to a free Visitors Car Park on the left. 5 Whiteway Court is one of the business units to the left.
M5 to Cirencester (Burford Road Roundabout)
Leave the M5 at Junction 11a and join the A417, signposted Cirencester. After a few miles you will come to a roundabout at the Air Balloon pub. Take the second exit to Cirencester and follow this road for about 10 miles until exiting at the Burford Road Roundabout (signposted Cirencester). See notes above from there.
M4 to Cirencester (Burford Road Rounbabout)
Leave the M4 at Junction 15, signposted Swindon and Cirencester (A419). After about 10 miles exit at the Burford Road Roundabout (signposted Cirencester). See above from there.